Wednesday, June 7, 2023

The last move of God - reassembling His Ecclesia

Salient points:

  • God is reassembling His Ecclesia in His last move before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
  • Family of God must be united
  • Five-fold ministries must be allowed to function accordingly
  • Return to the First love, valuing intimacy with the Lord
  • Be faithful to the end
  • Focus on Israel - everything must end with Israel
  • The cries of the first born have reached heaven

Excerpts from Apostle George Annadorai’s sharing at the second session of 5782 Golden Gate Gathering 

We believe we will be the last generation that will witness the last move of God.

His last great move is to reassemble His Ecclesia before His final return.

Only when his Ecclesia has been reassembled can He bring the nation of Israel to the fullness of her destiny, and restore the nations at large to fulfill their God-given destinies. 

This attempt by the Lord to reassemble his Ecclesia in our day and time is taking many forms and shapes in the name of many different movements that are alive today. 

There many other movements raised by God, but six movements from different parts of the world are converging. It can also be referred to as six streams coming together, converging together into the river of life. 

As in the six days of creation in Genesis 1, there will be six days of recreation of the Ecclesia. 

So, all these movements converge where all these rivers converge, and the centre is what we call Ecclesia. The Apostle Paul will call this movement:
unity in diversity. They look very different, but they are all united in the core. 

Movement #1: Family. For this purpose, God had raised homecoming from Canada. We are all members of one family (in Christ) and relationships are the key. 

Movement #2: Function. For this purpose, God had raised the Apostolic networks from all of Taiwan. The emphasis is that there must be the government of God within the body of Christ. 

We need to allow the apostles and the prophets to function within the Body of Christ, just like pastors, teachers and evangelists.

Movement #3: First love. For this purpose God has raised IHOP from the USA to put the emphasis on first love in the heart of every believer where intimacy becomes the primary emphasis. 

Movement #4: Faith followership. Many believers simply live out their faith, right where persecution is happening. These are the people who are teaching the rest of us, who belong to the body of Christ, hat real faith is and what real followership is. 

Movement #5: Focus. We know that all other things are important but the focus must always be on Israel. Everything must end with Israel, and with Israel to the nations. 

Movement #6: First born. Biblically, Israel is the first born. Biologically, Ishmael is the first born. 

The Islanders are first-born. In our day and time we are hearing the cry of the first born. The cry of the first born Israel. The cry of the other first-born Ishmael. And they cry on the Islanders.

We are living to witness the convergence of the Isaiah 19 Highway and the Isaiah 62 Highway. This is happening in our day and time. And speaking about the first born, let us not forget the ultimate first born in heaven, Jesus himself. The first born in heaven is hearing the cry of the first born on Earth. And something is about to happen.

The last great move of Jesus is to reassemble his Ecclesia. Ecclesia is not one local church in one country.

It is the body of Christ scattered throughout the earth. They come from every tribe, every tongue, every people, every nation. But together they become the government of God on earth.

Jesus says I will build My Ecclesia. And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.


(二)列國復興運動的匯集 George Annadorai 牧師主講【5782金門列國匯聚】精華篇 - YouTube



Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Second Coming of Christ is near - what's the ultimate sign?

Salient points:

  • The greatest sign that the Second Coming of Christ is near is the birth of John the Baptist company.
  • The Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be in the Feast of Tabernacles
  • This time He is coming for the nations
  • We are invited to build a highway for the return of the King of Glory, but our heart must be right
  • We must decrease. He must increase.

Excerpts from Apostle George Annadorai’s sharing at the first session of 5782 Golden Gate Gathering 

The first coming of Jesus happened in the month of Nisan, fulfilling the calendar of the Jewish people.

When Jesus comes the second time - the final time - He will come during the Feast of Tabernacles.

Why is that? Because this time, He is coming for the nations.

So, this period is very personal to us.

We are not Jewish, we are Gentiles. We do not belong to the nation of Israel. We belong to the nations (e.g. one may belong to Singapore, another to Taiwan, another to Indonesia and another to Malaysia).

We represent the nations. 

Therefore, as we prepare the way for the final coming of Jesus, the preparation has to be done by the nations.

Anyone can say this is a time for the prophecy to come to pass, but we must be able to back it up.

In the gospels, how did Zechariah and Elizabeth know that the Messiah was coming? There must be a sign before the coming of the Messiah.

In the gospels, the greatest sign that the Messiah was coming was the birth of John the Baptist.

What then will be the greatest sign for the Second Coming, the final coming, of the Messiah?

Answer: The birth of John the Baptist company - not one man or woman. This time it will be every tongue, every tribe, every people, every nation.

And that's the greatest sign that we can say to all others that the time for the final coming of Jesus Christ is drawing near.

There must be a company of people from every tongue, every tribe, every people and every nation who are preparing the way for the Lord - a highway for the Lord.

We are building a highway for such a time of this. Not just anywhere, not just anyhow, but the Golden Gate (highway).

Blessed are you and I for we are invited to be in this company.

What's unique about this company is that they must say, “I must decrease, but He must increase”.

This is not about any individual nation, but it is about the King of Glory.

We must decrease, He must increase. 

Only those with this heart will be invited by the Father to build this highway.

Get ready. Get dressed. Both outside and inside. More so on the inside.

When we are coming to a banquet, we must be dressed rightly.

May our hearts be right before God and before man. Amen.



Monday, June 5, 2023

How to win in the battlefield of our mind

Salient points:

  • One of the greatest battles ahead for God's people is the battle for the mind
  • To move in complete victory, we must transform our minds to think the way God thinks
  • God wants us to walk with wisdom and understanding, and in faith - not fear and confusion
  • Two keys to overcome - meditate on the Word and take every thought captive
  • God is raising up the prophetic people
  • It’s harvest time

Notes from Robert Heidler’s sharing on May 31, 2023 (Glory Zion International Church)

The world has entered a very stormy season… the world is falling apart… and we’re wondering if we're the last hours before Jesus returns. Many people are confused, filled with fear. 

But God does not want His people to walk in fear and confusion. 

He wants us to walk with wisdom and understanding, and most of all, He wants us to walk in faith. 

To move forward in complete victory, we must transform our minds to think the way God thinks.

We must adopt His thoughts for today rather than our own, as one of the greatest coming wars will take place in the battlefield of the mind. 

For every process of moving into a new dimension, change is necessary. Mindsets have to be altered. Old patterns must make way for new ones. And ultimately, we must learn to think differently. Now, to gain victory in the mind war, we need to understand mindsets. 

In Romans 1:14-16 the Bible categorises the human race into three basic mindsets

  1. Barbaric

  2. Greek

  3. Hebrew/Biblical

God promises if you resist the devil, he will flee from you. But if your life is dominated by fear, you are being held captive by a barbarian warlord named Satan. Fear is Satan's tool. It's the opposite of faith. God does not want you to live in fear. He wants you to know a loving Heavenly Heavenly Father who cares for you. 

God confounds the mind to test the heart. He will deliberately do things that our minds don't understand to see where our hearts are. 

Romans 12 calls us not to be conformed to the world, don't be pressed into the world's mould, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind. 

Faith works through love. Know the living God and learn to walk by faith in him. 

It's a totally different way of operating and it seems foolish to the world, to the barbarian. 

The Hebrew mindset says I will trust and not be afraid… I will trust in the Lord and not lean on my own understanding. 

The Hebrew mindset says you get ahead in life by learning to walk in God's favour… you gain wisdom and direction from God. 

God is working to restore a Hebrew mindset in his Church. One of the greatest battles ahead for God's people is the battle for the mind. 

God wants our minds to be transformed. He doesn't want us to walk in fear. He doesn't want us to walk in pride. He wants us to walk in faith. 

God says don't let the world press you into its mould. God wants to set you free from the world's domination and free from fear. 

God wants us to draw close to Him to learn to hear His voice, to walk in His ways.

To win the mind war, there are two keys:

1) Meditate on the word. That means you need to know the word. 

2) Discipline the mind to take every thought captive. 

How do you meditate on the Word? Well, the word meditate literally means to chew on something. A cow will go out and eat some grass, but then she'll sit down and spend the day just chewing it over and over and over again. 

And that's what God wants us to do with the Bible.God wants us to take it in and think about it. Chew on it throughout the day. Ponder it. Saturate your mind with it. 

Joshua 1 says if you meditate on the Word daily, you will be successful in everything you do. If you meditate on God's Word, the Holy Spirit will speak to you. The result is your mind will be transformed. 

Not only do we need to meditate on the Word, but we also need to take our thoughts captive.

See, not every thought that pops into our mind is from ourselves. Satan is able to plant thoughts in our mind, and those thoughts are not usually aligned with God's truth. 

So we need to make it a habit to examine our thoughts to see if what we were thinking is really from God. Many people are slaves to a barbarian mindset and they don't even know it. So ask yourself, what am I thinking? 

Living in faith looks at the future, and says surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. 

We have a good Father, a Good Shepherd who's watching out for us. 

If you've been walking under a barbarian mindset, there’s good news for you. You can repent.

You can just say, Lord, I see I've been living in fear. I've been having a barbarian mindset. Right now. I choose to renounce that. I'm going to choose to trust You and not be afraid. 

There will be times in the days ahead when your mind will not know the way. The only way to move forward will be to know by the Spirit you need to stop and take your thoughts captive.

If you have been walking in a Greek mindset, there’s good news for you. You can repent. You can change. You can learn to walk in the spirit. God wants you to walk with the mind of Christ. You can transform your mind to think the way God thinks. 

God doesn't want us to have a Greek or a Barbarian mindset. He doesn't want his people to live in fear. 

He's calling us to a biblical mindset. He wants us to walk in faith, knowing that your God is in control. 

That is what God is doing in the Church today. God is raising up the prophetic people who know His voice, who walk in His ways. 

God is raising up a people who will not be pressed into the mould of the world, who will not be filled with fear and confusion by the storms that are raging around us, who walk in the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. 

He wants us to be a people who do the works of Jesus and will bring in a great harvest in the earth. God is preparing the world for harvest. 

So if you have been captured by fear, fill your mind with God's word. Stand on God's promises. Take every thought captive. Be willing to repent, be willing to walk in faith because God wants you to know - it's harvest time. 


Sunday, June 4, 2023

The final move of God - establishing His Kingdom

Salient points:

  • We are now in the early stage of the Kingdom-establishing movement
  • Things will get worse before they get better
  • The Church is becoming more glorious as the world becomes increasingly darker
  • We need to be ready at all times for we do not know when is the Lord's coming
  • God's greatest desire for us is to be conformed into His likeness
  • Be strengthened in His word to protect from deception

Notes from Bishop Bill Hamon's sharing on the Word for 2023 

There are three moves of God after the prophetic Apostolic.

  1. The Saints movement, which took place in 2007

  2. The Lord’s movement, which took place in 2016 

  3. The Kingdom-establishing movement, which we are entering into now

There seems to be a reset in the human race every 2,000 years. 

When Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden, the “fall” of the human race began. 

That was the race that existed until Abraham was called out to birth the “Hebrew” race. The Hebrew or Israeli race was started through Abraham. 

2,000 years later, Jesus came and started the “Church” race. 

2,000 years later, He will come to start the “Kingdom” race. 

The “Church” race has eternal life in their spirit, but mortality in their body. But when the “Kingdom” race begins, it will be at the RT, and they will not only have eternal life in their Spirit, but they will also have immortalized bodies. 

It's really going to happen, saints!! 

The church was birthed in 20-30 A.D. If you had 30 A.D. added to 2000 A.D, that would take us to 2030 A.D. 

So the time is short. And the time is near. 

Believe and be ready for God's best, and be prepared for the world's worst.

This is going to be a year of contrast and conflict. Be ready for the positive power versus the confusion and problems. Demonstrate the glory versus those who deny the glory and are ungodly. 

We don't know when the Lord is coming. So be ready at all times. 

Parable of the 10 virgins: Be like the 5 wise virgins. Take extra oil because the bridegroom will be delayed.

Past movements

God always prepares a place, a people and a message for what He wants to do next. 

God prepared Martin Luther for many years before using him to birth the “Prophetic” and “Protestant” movement. 

Then, God used John Wesley to birth the “Holiness” movement.

After that came the “Pentecostal” movement, where God brought more people together to spearhead His next move. 

The same thing was in the “Latter Rain” movement and the “Charismatic” renewal. 

Then came the prophetic “Apostolic” movement to bring the restoration of the Lord’s prophets and apostles.

Then, we had the Saints movement, and after that the “Army of the Lord” movement in 2016.

Final move

Now, we're getting ready for the final move of God. 

As in Isaiah 60, it's going to be a time of great darkness for the world. 

But it's going to be light and victory and power in the church, and with those who know how to move with what God's doing. 

So it's a contrast: the world is going to get more wicked, but the church is going to get more glorious

I felt the Lord's urgency to prepare us for both.

The same grace and faith that takes to manifest the glory in Revelation is the same grace and faith to take us through what's coming. 

What we had in 2021 is kids’ play compared to what's coming. 

In Matthew 24, the disciples asked Jesus three questions: (1) when will these things be; (2) what events will signal Christ's return; and (3) when will the end of the world come. 

Jesus gave a long list of things that's going to happen before the end - eg. false messiahs will appear deceiving many, wars and rumours of wars.

Deception will be rampant.

So you better know the truth and be around people with maturity and wisdom that can discern error from truth and truth from error.

The Bible also says in the last days, many will be offended.

I want you to become unoffendable.

Important to: (1) talk in tongues a lot; and (2) know the word of God. 

Fullness of time

Three things that must come to fullness of time before Jesus can return.

The coming of the Lord is not a specific day.

The Bible said even Jesus didn't know when He was coming, only the Father knows. 

Galatians 4:4 says when the fullness of time came, God set forth his son. 

Ephesians 1:10 says it’s God's pleasure that in the dispensation or period of the fullness of the times (plural), God is going to fulfill and finish all things, according to Revelations 10:7.

We're in the fullness of the times of the fulfilling of all things. 

Unfinished business

In a vision/dream, the Lord spoke to Bishop Bill Hamon that he was still living here on earth because God had another move that He wanted Bishop Bill Hamon to spearhead. 

He already spearheaded the Prophetic/Apostolic and the Saints movement; and then the “Army of the Lord” movement. 

The Lord says now He is getting ready for the final climactic, fulfilling and revealing of all mysteries.

We're now in the beginnings of the Final Reformation. This is what is called the “Kingdom-establishment” movement. 

God’s greatest desire for us

Be ready: It's about to get worse before it gets better.

The glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former. 

We are to go from glory to glory until Christ's likeness.

The church is to grow and increase until she reaches the fullness of Christ in His likeness and demonstration of His kingdom (Ephesians 4:13).

God doesn't look at suffering like we do. God will allow you to suffer if it will conform you to Christ's image and likeness more - whom the Lord loves us, He beats the darkness out of them.

God's number one passion, desire and will for each one of us is to be conformed to the image and likeness of Jesus Christ.

Romans 8:28-29 is a covenant principle we need to know. God promises and makes a covenant that all things work together for good if you're called by God and you love Him. 

Don't be conformed to this world but transformed by the renewing of your mind and thinking to be like Christ.


VIDEO LINK: Bishop Bill Hamon 2023 Word of the Lord - YouTube


Saturday, June 3, 2023

Living in the end times - four fatherly advices

Salient points:

  • Know that God finishes what He started. Emulate Him.
  • Live as if Jesus Christ will return tomorrow, but lead as if He will not return for 100 years
  • Find your God-given destiny, follow your God-given destiny, and fulfill your God-given destiny. So, take time to choose your mountain carefully, climb your mountain continuously, and conquer your mountain completely.
  • Pray for Israel’s salvation. Be part of God’s story.

*Extracted from the final session of Dr George Annadorai's teaching on Revelation on Dec 20, 2021

First advice: Know that God finishes what He starts. Emulate Him.

God in Revelation 21:22 is finishing what He started - the story that began in Genesis 1 and 2 will have a perfect conclusion.

In Philippians 1:6, it says, He finishes what He started.

God finishes what He starts. God does not abort, does not abandon anything halfway. 

Whenever there are moments of discouragements and distractions, keep reminding yourself that you’re a child of God. 

Your Heavenly Father has a track record of finishing what He started.

You’re a child of God; therefore, you cannot abort, cannot abandon halfway. You must also finish what you started. Let this be your driving force because this comes from the character of God.

At the end of the day, the only thing we have in our high moments and our low moments is the character of God.

It is because of the character of God that there is such a thing called a “covenant” with God. If it is not for the character, the covenant means nothing.

The Bible is what we call the covenant. And the new covenant means nothing apart from a God who has a character. 

So, keep in mind and understand that God finishes what He started.

Second advice: Live as if Jesus Christ will return tomorrow, but lead as if He will not return for 100 years.

To live as if Jesus Christ is coming tomorrow is to live a pure life. Live holy life. 

Don't wait till tomorrow to settle your accounts. Keep short accounts and live your life as if Jesus Christ is coming today.

Lead your life as if He is not coming for the next 100 years. 

As Martin Luther, the great reformer, said: Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.

In a similar vein, Dr George Annadorai now spends a large part of his life planting trees on the land. A large part of his ministry in Israel is connected to the land and crops.

He does that because of what he knows is about to happen during the 7 trumpet judgments - that one third of the crops are going to be destroyed in Europe. During that moment in time, Europe that has so despised Israel, will be humbled by God and come to Israel for food. They will then be able to see Israel for who she really is.

(This is like what happened in the Book of Genesis, where God humbled the nations, and caused them to go to a boy called Joseph to receive from his hand “life”. This is what will happen in the latter times when the nations in Europe known as the breadbasket of the European continent see their crops fail in the coming days.) 

As such, Dr George Annadorai is investing a large part of his time, resources and energy on the land planting crops. The crops are meant to feed the poor also.

Third advice: Find your God-given destiny, follow your God-given destiny, and fulfill your God-given destiny

Recall the parable of the wise and foolish virgins in Matthew 25.

What made both camps different? Both camps were virgins, and both carried oil.

What made the difference was one camp prepared themselves by carrying extra oil in case the Bridegroom was delayed in coming. 

The other camp was foolish because they never asked the question what if the Bridegroom was delayed. 

In the parable, the Bridegroom was delayed in coming. And one camp did not enough oil to carry them through.

It's a statement to you and I. There are so many different arguments: Jesus Christ is coming today, Jesus Christ is coming tomorrow, the rapture is today, the rapture is tomorrow.

It is essential that you and I carry enough oil because the Bridegroom is going to be delayed.

So, take this advice: Don't just be a faithful Christian, be a fruitful Christian.

Find your God-given destiny, follow your God-given destiny, and fulfill your God-given destiny.

Don't die before that.

What's the difference between us as Christians and everyone else? They die, we die.

The difference is they just die, but we die having fulfilled our God-given destiny.

It's like what the Apostle Paul said to Timothy: I have finished my race, I have fought a good fight, I have kept the faith, now I'm ready to go.

To put it another way, Paul was saying, I have found my God-given destiny, I have followed my God-given destiny, I have fulfilled my God-given destiny. Now I'm ready to die, and when I step up there, I will hear my Lord say to me, “well done, good and faithful servant”.

That “well done, good and faithful servant” is for those who have finished the race. 

It is critically important that you in this hour take time to choose your mountain carefully, climb your mountain continuously, and conquer your mountain completely.

Don't settle for anything less.

Fourth advice: Partner with Israel, pray for Israel's salvation.

When you pray for the salvation of Israel, God hears. And He will remember your nation on account of your prayer for Israel’s salvation.

When Israel finally comes to the place of salvation, the book of revelation tells us, God will use the nation of Israel, along with the Church, to be a blessing to all nations.

That’s Israel’s call. According to Genesis 12: 3, and Genesis 22:80, Israel's call is to be a blessing to ALL the nations. 

Now, we know the story of God.

The important thing for us is to become part of that story.

Step into God's story and be part of it.

VIDEO LINK: Mountain Movers Episode 29 | Rev Chapter 21-22 | The End of the Story | Dr George Annadurai - YouTube