Anointing and consecration go hand in hand. To be anointed is to be dedicated to the Lord.
It has been prophesied that God wants to pour forth a fresh bridal anointing upon His church.
The church is called to represent God on earth.
We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
The bridal anointing will break the yolk of slavery in craving for the pleasures of the world (distractions, busyness, money).
It will enable us to make our priorities right with God.
It will make us willing to live a surrendered life.
It will strengthen us to do His will.
It will purify us and circumcise our heart.
How does the Lord treat His bride?
1) Rev 19:7 - Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His wife has made herself ready
2) Ezekiel 47:1-6 - Then he brought me back to the door of the temple; and there was water, flowing from under the threshold of the temple toward the east, for the front of the temple faced east; the water was flowing from under the right side of the temple, south of the altar. 2 He brought me out by way of the north gate, and led me around on the outside to the outer gateway that faces east; and there was water, running out on the right side. 3 And when the man went out to the east with the line in his hand, he measured one thousand cubits, and he brought me through the waters; the water came up to my ankles. 4 Again he measured one thousand and brought me through the waters; the water came up to my knees. Again he measured one thousand and brought me through; the water came up to my waist. 5 Again he measured one thousand, and it was a river that I could not cross; for the water was too deep, water in which one must swim, a river that could not be crossed. 6 He said to me, “Son of man, have you seen this?” Then he brought me and returned me to the bank of the river.
How to prepare to receive the bridal anointing?
Build stronger altar; go deep in walk with Him
Bridal anointing will bring:
1) growth
2) hope, refreshment, security
3) breakthroughs
4) love for God
When you are in the right position, God will provide all that is necessary to fulfil your call, and lead you to your prophetic destination.
Nothing in your life is wasted. He will all things out for the good of those who love Him and are called to His purpose.
Involve God in whatever plans you have, and you'' be more peaceful and joyful.
God doesn't want us to strife, He wants us to thrive. The quicker we surrender, the quicker the Lord will bless us.
Work from rest >>> involve God in your plan >>> know that He cares for you >>> He is a personal God